My dog has a big crack in his pad

Ron Jeremy - IMDb My dog has soft pads which tear and split.
My Dogs feet smell like corn chips.. Is there anything I can do to change the smell. We bathe him every two weeks. Respond to this topic here on
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Answers to: My dog has soft pads which tear and split easily, is there anything I can do to toughen them up?
04.01.2009 ˇ Best Answer: There are a couple things you can do: 1) get him some dog booties to wear outside, unless he roams free and tends to pull things off his feet

16.01.2009 ˇ Best Answer: u can clean it out with peroxide,, u should still take him by the vet just to check and protect against infection,, cause if there's is an
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My dog has a cut on his paw.. What can I. EarthLink - Strange News
My dog has a big crack in his pad
My dog has a big crack in his pad