Tumblr code to hide text

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Tumblr Codes, Tumblr HTML, Codes For.

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Customize your Google start page with background images, personal pictures, colors, links to your favorite sites, and more!
Follow the world's creators. People who are stuck: If you want to get your text like this, use the following:
Tumblr Academy • Basic Codes
Tumblr code to hide text
Tumblr Themes | Images Quotes | Facebook.February 29, 2012
tubmblr. Follow the world's creators. Choose from different themes, learn about who we are or view our terms of use for the site.
Tumblr Academy • Basic Codes
Tumblr Font Codes
Basic Codes Bold : text Italic : text Underlined: text Strike Through : text Center text : text Text on the right : text Text on the left : text Change color : text